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Schreiber Associates International



Through our affiliation and association with numerous institutions, providers and businesses, we are able to introduce members to a range of interesting and unique opportunities, including access to funds, structured products as well as stringently selected alternative investment opportunities.

Below is a selection of our featured opportunities. To access detailed information and more of the opportunities available please login. To find out more about the extensive opportunities available please email us.

London Property Opportunity

Fixed Income Loan Note in Property Investment Company, with a minimum investment of 30,000 GBP, EUR, USD. Offering coupon payment of 10-12% over a 36 month term.

Direct Gold Opportunity

Fixed Income Loan Note with a minimum investment of £25,000 GBP, or other currency equivalent. Offering interest payment of 12-21.5% per year over a 12-24 month term.

Litigation Fund Opportunity

Fixed term finance bond with a minimum investment of £10,000 GBP, or EUR/USD equivalent. Offering interest payment of 10-12% over a 12-36 month term.

The information set out herein has been obtained from various public sources and is provided by way of information only. Schreiber Associates International can accept no liability of any sort in relation thereto and readers should obtain their own verification of any statement before making any decision which may have any financial or other impact. We are adding to, and updating this section regularly with the latest information available.

Neither the information nor the opinions herein constitute, or are they to be construed as, advice, an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy, sell or subscribe to any investments. Any person seeking such advice should consult an appropriate professional.